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I’m a skilled facilitator of User Interviews, Usability Testing Sessions and Client Workshops. I can turn my hand to more quantitative research methods too, such as Web Analytic Reviews or Online Surveys.


Like many UXers, I usually start with collaborative sketching on whiteboards, or with pen and paper.


Written, diagrammatic or verbal communication of UX strategy is what I do best. I have a talent for spotting meaningful patterns in research data and creating elegant UX solutions to wicked problems. Sometimes this will take the form of a set of Personas, or User Journey Maps. Other times it might be a Content Strategy or an improved Information Architecture.

Some testimonials


“We sometimes forget when projects just seem to work and flow through the business. … Throughout this project, collaboration, teamwork, quality and doing things in the right way has seen one of the best examples of how we can make it work in Nationwide – a story that is already being used to drive the right conversations at the start of new projects. Congratulations Andrew and Thank You!”

Senior Management Team (M&DE, Nationwide)

“I have had the pleasure to work with Andrew on a vision project for our mobile products. Andrew is a seasoned user experience professional with a true passion for what he is doing. He was able to understand our specific problematics and objectives very well, and came up with sets of suitable proposals. He provided excellent support throughout the project and delivered on time and fully in line with our expectations. I very much enjoyed his open personality and positive attitude which also made it a very pleasant collaboration.”

Geoffroy Martinez -Product Manager Mobile Experience at Liberty Global

“Andrew has the unique ability to bring complex ideas to life and make them meaningful (even to the non tech-savvy!), with a smile on his face to boot. As a client, I always felt that NHSBT were his priority. He quickly understood the intricate needs of the business, and continuously produced workable solutions that balanced both the business and end user requirements – no mean feat! An incredibly genuine and intelligent guy and I’d consider myself lucky to work with him again.”

Victoria Hatcher -Donor Relationship Marketing Manager at NHS Blood and Transplant

“Andrew worked as the research lead for two major programmes I ran at Cambridge University Press, the second engagement being directly attributed to the impression Andrew and his Nomensa team gave from the first. He is highly knowledgeable in academic publishing and in user research – indeed the output of his research into key personas for The Press became a landmark piece of work that is still used 2 years on as a reference to our understanding of our customers. He is also articulate, being a great communicator, he is passionate about his work and, most importantly, very easy to get on with and engage with. I would work with Andrew again at the drop of a hat and can’t recommend him highly enough.”

Gary Kirby -Programme Manager at Cambridge University Press

Andrew is a thoughtful and engaging Customer and Content Experience expert who thinks holistically about people’s motivations, needs and behaviour. He brought to life the Content Strategy for the National Trust and developed intuitive prototypes for the support services section of the website.

He’s someone who seems to have a genuine interest and thirst for exploring a wide range of people and topics – I believe this gives him a unique talent for turning loose concepts into real and meaningful interactions across a range of areas.”

Tim Clarke – Senior Digital Programme Manager at the National Trust

“I had the pleasure of working with Andrew for a couple of years at Semantico. He has an insightful and questioning mind and never fails to engage with the full width and depth of an opportunity or issue. His knowledge of UX in general, and the specific needs and concerns of scholarly publishers in particular, is encyclopaedic. Popular with colleagues and well respected by peers and clients alike, Andrew is a valuable asset to any digitally-focused business and I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending him.”

Rob Virkar-Yates -Chief Operating Officer at Semantico

“…Andrew has a keen knack for translating new technologies into what makes sense for users and commercial implications for publishers and information providers. I would be delighted to work with Andrew again if the opportunity ever arose!”

Cristina Ashby -Head of Platform Development at CAB International

“Andrew … is always looking to improve the way the service is delivered. Importantly he is also a well liked member of the team and project teams work effectively on his projects.”

Alex Cowell CTO / MD, MBA Brighton

Articles & Talks

45 ways to get into the ‘discovery’ groove (SD in Gov) – Sept 2023
45 ways to get into the ‘discovery’ groove (Public Sector Insight Week) – March 2023
Designing interaction manners (IA Conf) – May 2020
Service Blueprinting 101 (SWUX) – Oct 2019
Designing for Interaction Modes (UX Bristol) – July 2019
Designing for Interaction Modes (A List Apart) – December 2018
Design Mortality (Bristech Meet-up) – December 2016
User Experience Trends (Mobile Monday Bristol – UX Deep Dive) March 2016
Meta-moments: Thoughtfulness by Design (UCD15) – October 2015
When do we need Personas? (Nomensa Blog) – July 2015
Meta-moments (UX Bristol) – July 2015
How to get attention! (SWUX) – July 2015
Meta-moments: Thoughtfulness by Design (A List Apart) – May 2015